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Domestic student guide to settling in

So here you are finally at University. You’ve got the timetable, you’ve done O-Week and the official checklist is complete. What happens now? Embarking on your university journey as a domestic student is an exciting step, filled with new opportunities and challenges. It’s also normal to feel slightly unsettled in the first few weeks of term as everyday life continues around you. Here’s some quick and easy tips on how to get yourself settled into your new student life.

Creating home away from home

Moving out and living independently can feel overwhelming at first, but it’s also an opportunity to create a space that reflects your personality and feels like home. Personalising your accommodation with keepsakes, posters, and your favourite bedding can make your space more welcoming and the added familiarity will be emotionally reassuring and supportive as you begin to settle in to your new life.

Staying organised is another key to creating a stress-free environment—use storage solutions to keep everything tidy and within reach. Setting up a dedicated study area is equally important, as it can boost focus and productivity.

Balancing studies and social life

Establishing a steady routine from the outset can be key in helping you to settle quickly into uni life. But balancing out your new course demands with social activities can be challenging and does take some time to achieve. It’s a good idea to try and develop good study habits from the outset – and that means getting on top of your timetable early on. A little bit of study every day is far more efficient for long-term retention than last minute cramming sessions. And your stress levels will certainly benefit! Having a balanced schedule is not just about managing study habits, it also means taking time out for yourself and recognising when you need a break. Any aspect of uni life can sometimes seem overwhelming, but remember that everyone is in the same situation and there are always people around that want to help.

Get to know your community

Places are about people. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if you are surrounded by a like-minded community it can very quickly start to feel like home. Uni is quite a different experience from what you were probably used to back at school. Joining clubs and societies that align with your interests is one of the easiest ways to build connections. Attending events organised by your university or accommodation is another great way to expand your social circle. Being approachable and open to conversations can make a significant difference in forming new friendships.

Explore and discover

Australia is truly one of the best places in the world to be at University. With an abundance of beautiful weather and fantastic landscapes it’s the perfect backdrop for exploration and discovery. If you’re ever finding the workload a bit overwhelming, or the pressure to make new friends feels a bit too much, take yourself off for a walking tour of the area, or hop on a train and see where it takes you. You might find your perfect coffee or brunch spot along the way and the break from the schedule will give you valuable time to refresh your mind. University is about so much more than just studying, it’s also about discovering what lies beyond the books and understanding where you are in the world right now. Familiarity with the local area is a great way to feel settled and at home.

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