• International students’ parents guide: what to expect

    Australia is the perfect study destination for overseas students. But when it comes to leaving home and heading off to university, it marks the start

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  • Packing for university: The ultimate checklist on what to take

    The time has finally come to head off to university in Australia! Your visa is sorted, the flight is booked – it literally couldn’t get

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  • 7 ways to ace your exams

    Love them or loathe them, exams aren’t going away anytime soon. And when you’re a uni student, the pressure is on you as an independent

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  • How to get career ready

    As your university degree starts to draw to a close, it’s time to think about what happens after you graduate from the comforts of student

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  • How to do Christmas – the Australian way

    If you’re new to Australia, you might not be overly familiar with a hot sunny Christmas, or even Christmas by the beach. More shockingly, you

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  • Hit the road – 5 of the best Aussie road trips

    Australia is truly the land of plenty – especially when it comes to roads. They can take you from coast to coast, from rainforest to

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  • Tips for domestic students: Settling in

    So here you are finally at University. You’ve got the timetable, you’ve done O-Week and the official checklist is complete. What happens now? It’s really

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  • Tips for domestic students: Transitioning to University

    School’s done and it’s time to head off to Uni – but is it as easy as it sounds? The biggest change you are likely

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  • 5 of the best Brisbane beaches near you

    A well-known cosmopolitan city of culture and fine foods, Brisbane is not often associated with beachy living. With so much focus on the vibrant inner-city

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  • 5 of the best Melbourne beaches near you

    Springtime has officially arrived – and the weather is sure to get that memo very soon. It’s time to pack away those cosy knits and

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