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5 things to do in your student accommodation before going on holidays

Exams are done, and the holidays are almost here! It’s finally time to wind it all down, and relax into the term break. But before everything wraps up and you slope away, there’re a few key things you need to remember to get done in your student accommodation before you go. Here’s 5 top tips to get you started.

1. Secure your belongings

  • Don’t leave from your student accommodation until all your valuable belongings are safely tucked away where no one can find them. That way, if you do get burgled over the break, your precious belongings are not immediately obvious. Move any jewellery into drawers, slide any devices away and make sure anything of monetary or personal value is well out of view. Use any lockable drawers or a safe if you have them. If you own a bike, keep it locked up in your room over the break and don’t forget to stow away any important documents.
  • Lock up all doors and windows – it might sound obvious, but in the rush to get away many students forget this simple act. And in the event you ever need to make an insurance claim, it will be invalidated if any entry point was found to be left open. Check, and double check again before you leave.
  • Some students find it reassuring to use a controlled timer that gives the appearance of being home to deter potential burglars.
  • Don’t advertise your absence by posting about it endlessly on social media. Students are prime targets for holiday opportunists, and you don’t want to make it any easier for them. Stay cautious on social media, and only let good friends know your movements in a private group.

2. Safety first

  • Unplug all your appliances and devices from the wall. Not only does this save energy, it reduces the risk of any electrical issues occurring in your absence.
  • Switch off the lights and plugs at the wall, this will also save on energy.
  • Notify your student accommodation provider of your holiday plans in case they need to reach you.
  • Leave your contact details behind with a close friend or neighbour in case of emergency.
  • Ensure that someone in your building is aware of your absence dates and can reach you if necessary.

3. Leave it clean

  • Ensure you empty all the bins before you leave – not forgetting the bathroom bin. No one wants to return from the holidays to identifiable odours that linger indefinitely…
  • Clean out the cupboards and empty the fridge of any perishables. Again, month-old food items, mould and potentially a pest-invasion are not the most attractive roommates to return to. If unsure, be ruthless and discard.
  • Freeze any food items where possible to avoid wastage.
  • Strip your dirty bedding and replace it all with clean linen as a nice welcome back for yourself on your return. As an added bonus you’ll avoid the post-holiday rush back to the laundry.
  • Have a good clean up around your room and search for any wayward mugs or glasses that have gone astray under the bed or under piles of clothing. It’s always so much nicer to return to a tidy environment rather than coming back to a list of jobs.
  • Wash up any leftover dishes and ensure the kitchen is left clean and tidy.

4. Don’t forget the practicalities

  • Report any maintenance issues to your student accommodation provider before you go. That way there’s a good window of time to get them sorted before your return, and they can be addressed during your absence.
  • Ensure that any outstanding bills are fully paid and up to date.
  • Return any borrowed books or library books.
  • Pack light – it’s only a short break and there’s little point lugging too many belongings backwards and forwards. Think about what you’ll really need and stick to your list – particularly if you are getting public transport.
  • Shop online and have any presents delivered to your home address. This helps prevent cluttering up your room before you leave, as well as the burden on your luggage allowance.

5. Plan to return

Unfortunately, holidays have a nasty habit of coming to an end. But getting organised in advance and leaving your room clean and tidy is the best present you can gift yourself for your return back to uni. It also helps if you can stay up to date with any of your workload while you are away so you don’t feel overwhelmed the minute you are back. If you have any deadlines or exams straight after the break, structure a realistic study schedule for the holidays – and try and stick to it. Returning to university life can sometimes be hard after being back in all your old home comforts. But it doesn’t take long to get back into the swing of student life – and you’ll soon remember all the reasons why you are there in the first place!

By taking these steps before your holiday break, you can ensure the safety and security of your student accommodation and return to a well-maintained and ready-to-use living space when you come back.

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