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5 low-maintenance indoor plants that clean the air

Indoor plants don’t just brighten up a room, they can also improve your mood, reduce stress – and clean the air at the same time! Using a process called photosynthesis, plants absorb particles from the air at the same time as they take in carbon dioxide. They cleverly convert this into fresh oxygen, removing some nasty toxins along the way. And don’t worry if you’re not much of a gardener, some of the best plants absolutely thrive on being totally ignored. If this all sounds a little too good to be true, just ask NASA. Here’s what you need to know.

Peace lily

Snake plant

Durable, tolerant and very low maintenance, the Snake Plant is a perfect companion for busy people. It can cope with low light, little water, and minimal care and attention. As well as being the perfect roommate, Snake Plants purify the air by removing four common toxins including formaldehyde and benzene. They also release plenty of oxygen and moisture which helps lessen the impact of airborne allergens. These plants thrive indoors and will only need watering every two to six weeks. Avoid direct sunlight to get the best results.

Spider plant

This sprawling superpower is capable of filtering out no less than six horrible toxins from the air you breathe in around you, and it is capable of living quite happily in a wide variety of conditions. It has thick fleshy roots which means it is resilient to an inconsistent watering schedule – just perfect for busy students – and is named after its spider-like features that dangle down from the main plant. This attractive addition is the perfect bedroom companion choice, and has been proven to remove 95% of toxic substances over a 24-hour period.

Flamingo lily

If you’re after some tropical flair and a splash of colour, you can’t beat the Flamingo Lily for a plant that looks so good while getting the job done. Preferring a warmer and more shaded environment, this exotic looking plant will reward your care with weeks of striking blooms – and is also known to be highly effective in removing toxins such as formaldehyde and ammonia from the air. Without a high-humidity environment, it will prefer regular watering. But that’s a small price to pay for some top-notch air quality!

Devil’s ivy

Known as one of the most indestructible house plants – hence the name – Devil’s Ivy will happily flourish even with persistent neglect or low light. A popular household choice, it is considered highly effective at removing common toxins such as benzene (found in paints and varnishes), trichloroethene (found in solvents) and formaldehyde (found in carpets and furniture). With pretty heart-shaped leaves and available in a number of varieties, Devil’s Ivy stays vibrant green even when kept in the dark. As a general rule they don’t tend to flower as houseplants.

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